Bracha Jaffe | Something from Nothing (ft. Esther Press) – For Women and Girls Only

“I will sing to you G-d for you have been good to me.” אשירה לה’ כי גמל עלי There are many forms of good we can be grateful for. Sometimes the good is obvious, and feels like G-d moved mountains for us. But we also need to appreciate the familiar circumstances that we take for granted. It can be the way a friend’s laughter lights up the dreariest of days, or the nostalgia evoked by an old memory. It can be the comfort of seeing our loved ones after time away, or the security we feel engaging with the people who truly care about us. Ultimately, each of us has our own unique perspective on what makes us feel at home. This song speaks to the gratitude for life’s gifts that we can all too easily disregard. It’s a reminder to appreciate even the most basic kindness we experience.

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