Rashi: A Light After the Dark Ages

One of the best selling Jewish videos of all time by Rabbi Berel Wein – Rashi A Light After the Dark Ages. Right before. Confronting the violent turn of history, brought on by the Crusades, Rashi defended his people’s rights to spiritual choice and freedom. the crusades, one man forever changed the way the world would understand the Torah. A winemaker by trade, Rashi, in an age of ignorance and illiteracy, taught his daughters to read and write. He debated politics and theology with his Christian neighbors, and delved into the deeper mysteries of the Torah. In his almost 900 year old commentary, Rashi opens the doors to the subtle wisdom and eternal truths of the Torah. To understand Rashi is to understand the story of the Jews. So come back in time – to a world that began with the belief in one G-d. Run time: 56

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