VeUhavtu – Meilech Kohn

One Motza Shabbos I couldn’t fall asleep (says Meilech) during the Melave DeMalka I was dreaming about performing this song Galus Galus with these amazing lyrics in front of a crowed…. And this Song VeUhavto came to my head and then I just had to produce it… So here you go…. I want to bring out to Klal Yisroel the importance of this Mitzva “VeUhavetu Lereacha Kamocha.” Rav Mencer once told me this beautiful vort: In the Ani Mamins we say: I believe that “Techies Hameisim” will happen Be’es Shetaaleh Ratzon Me’Eis Habora Yisbarach Shemo. However by the Ani mamin that Mashiach will come… it clearly says “Bechol Yom Sheyavo”… He is waiting for us to get along like Chazal say that even if we are Chalila Oivdei Avoida Zara, as long as we have Ahavas Chinom we can bring Mashiach speedily in our days.

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