Tani Polansky | Elokai (Official Music Video)

I am as moved as I am excited to share this with you. This song, Elokai (My G-d) is a gift that I received/ composed in three stages over the course of 5 years. I find it interesting that the time for it to be released occurred at this moment in time, a time when the Jewish people are both collectively in mourning for so many souls that were taken from us, whilst becoming acutely aware of our collective soul, the raw power and love that pulsates within all of us, as if in one heart. I dedicate this song to the neshamot (souls) we lost, to the neshama we have become aware of, and to the source of it all, Elokai, the Ribono Shel Olam (Master of the world). Lyrics from Elokai, Shacharit morning blessings. My God! The soul which you bestowed in me is pure; You created it, You formed it, You breathed it into me and You preserve it within me. You will eventually take it from me, and restore it in me in the time to come. So long as the soul is within me I give thanks to You, Hashem my God, and God of my fathers, Lord of all creatures, Master of all souls. —————————————————————————————-

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